n. 1 monarch's jewelled headdress. 2 (the crown) a monarch as head of state. B power or authority of the monarchy. 3 a wreath for the head as an emblem of victory. B award or distinction, esp. In sport. 4 crown-shaped ornament etc. 5 top part of the head, a hat, etc. 6 a highest or central part (crown of the road). B thing that completes or forms a summit. 7 a part of a tooth visible outside the gum. B artificial replacement for this. 8 former british coin worth five shillings. v. 1 put a crown on (a person or head). 2 invest with a royal crown or authority. 3 be a crown to; rest on top of. 4 a (often as crowning adj.) (cause to) be the reward, summit, or finishing touch to (crowning glory). B bring to a happy outcome. 5 fit a crown to (a tooth). 6 slang hit on the head. 7 promote (a piece in draughts) to king. [latin corona]
of Crow