adv. 1 into or towards a lower place, esp. To the ground (fall down). 2 in a lower place or position (blinds were down). 3 to or in a place regarded as lower, esp.: a southwards. B away from a major city or a university. 4 a in or into a low or weaker position or condition (hit a man when he's down; down with a cold). B losing by (three goals down; 5 down). C (of a computer system) out of action. 5 from an earlier to a later time (down to 1600). 6 to a finer or thinner consistency or smaller amount or size (grind down; water down; boil down). 7 cheaper (bread is down; shares are down). 8 into a more settled state (calm down). 9 in writing or recorded form (copy it down; down on tape; down to speak next). 10 paid or dealt with as a deposit or part (5 down, 20 to pay; three down, six to go). 11 with the current or wind. 12 (of a crossword clue or answer) read vertically (five down). prep. 1 downwards along, through, or into. 2 from the top to the bottom of. 3 along (walk down the road). 4 at or in a lower part of (lives down the road). attrib. Adj. 1 directed downwards (a down draught). 2 from a capital or centre (down train; down platform). v. Colloq. 1 knock or bring down. 2 swallow. n. 1 act of putting down. 2 reverse of fortune (ups and downs). 3 colloq.