n. 1 giving of one thing and receiving of another in its place. 2 giving of money for its equivalent in the money of the same or another country. 3 centre where telephone connections are made. 4 place where merchants, bankers, etc. Transact business. 5 a office where information is given or a service provided. B employment office. 6 system of settling debts without the use of money, by bills of exchange. 7 short conversation. v. (-ging) 1 (often foll. By for) give or receive (one thing) in place of another. 2 give and receive as equivalents. 3 (often foll. By with) make an exchange. in exchange (often foll. By for) as a thing exchanged (for). exchangeable adj. [french: related to *change]
n. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which is regarded as an equivalent; as, an exchange of cattle for grain.