
n. 1 external form or bodily shape. 2 a silhouette, human form (figure on the lawn). B person of a specified kind or appearance (public figure; cut a poor figure). 3 a human form in drawing, sculpture, etc. B image or likeness. 4 two- or three-dimensional space enclosed by lines or surface(s), e.g. A triangle or sphere. 5 a numerical symbol or number, esp. 09. B amount; estimated value (cannot put a figure on it). C (in pl.) Arithmetical calculations. 6 diagram or illustration. 7 decorative pattern. 8 movement or sequence in a set dance etc. 9 mus. Succession of notes from which longer passages are developed. 10 (in full figure of speech) metaphor, hyperbole, etc. v. (-ring) 1 appear or be mentioned, esp. Prominently. 2 represent pictorially. 3 imagine; picture mentally. 4 embellish with a pattern etc. (figured satin). 5 calculate; do arithmetic. 6 symbolize. 7 esp. Us a understand, consider. B colloq. Make sense; be likely (that figures).  figure on us count on, expect. Figure out work out by arithmetic or logic. [latin figura: related to *feign]

n. The form of anything; shape; outline; appearance.