v. 1 glide along as a stream. 2 (of liquid, blood, etc.) Gush out; be spilt. 3 (of blood, money, electric current, etc.) Circulate. 4 move smoothly or steadily. 5 (of a garment, hair, etc.) Hang gracefully. 6 (often foll. By from) be caused by. 7 (esp. Of the tide) be in flood. 8 (of wine) be plentiful. 9 (foll. By with) archaic be plentifully supplied with (flowing with milk and honey). n. 1 a flowing movement or mass. B flowing liquid (stop the flow). C outpouring; stream (flow of complaints). 2 rise of a tide or river (ebb and flow). [old english]
imp. sing. of Fly, v. i.