
n. 1 a act of giving out or circulating shares, notes, stamps, etc. B quantity of coins, copies of a newspaper, etc., circulated at one time. C each of a regular series of a magazine etc. (the may issue). 2 a outgoing, outflow. B way out, outlet, esp. The place of the emergence of a stream etc. 3 point in question; important subject of debate or litigation. 4 result; outcome. 5 law children, progeny (without male issue). v. (issues, issued, issuing) 1 literary go or come out. 2 a send forth; publish; put into circulation. B supply, esp. Officially or authoritatively (foll. By to, with: issued passports to them; issued them with passports). 3 a (often foll. By from) be derived or result. B (foll. By in) end, result. 4 (foll. By from) emerge from a condition.  at issue under discussion; in dispute. Join (or take) issue (foll. By with a person etc., about, on, over a subject) disagree or argue. [latin exitus: related to *exit]

n. The act of passing or flowing out; a moving out from any inclosed place; egress; as, the issue of water from a pipe, of blood from a wound, of air from a bellows, of people from a house.