adj. 1 morally right or fair. 2 (of treatment etc.) Deserved (just reward). 3 well-grounded; justified (just anger). 4 right in amount etc.; proper. adv. 1 exactly (just what i need). 2 a little time ago; very recently (has just seen them). 3 colloq. Simply, merely (just good friends; just doesn't make sense). 4 barely; no more than (just managed it). 5 colloq. Positively; indeed (just splendid; won't i just tell him!). 6 quite (not just yet). just about colloq. Almost exactly; almost completely. Just in case as a precaution. Just now 1 at this moment. 2 a little time ago. Just the same = all the same. Just so 1 exactly arranged (everything just so). 2 it is exactly as you say. justly adv. Justness n. [latin justus from jus right]
a. Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right or obligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; -- said both of persons and things.