
adj. 1 not heavy. 2 a relatively low in weight, amount, density, intensity, etc. (light arms, traffic, metal, rain). B deficient in weight (light coin). 3 a carrying or suitable for small loads (light railway). B (of a ship) unladen. C carrying only light arms, armaments, etc. 4 (of food) easy to digest. 5 (of entertainment, music, etc.) Intended for amusement only; not profound. 6 (of sleep or a sleeper) easily disturbed. 7 easily borne or done (light duties). 8 nimble; quick-moving (light step; light rhythm). 9 (of a building etc.) Graceful, elegant. 10 a free from sorrow; cheerful (light heart). B giddy (light in the head). adv. 1 in a light manner (tread light; sleep light). 2 with a minimum load (travel light). v. (past and past part. Lit or lighted) (foll. By on, upon) come upon or find by chance.  make light of treat as unimportant.  lightish adj. Lightly adv. Lightness n. [old english]