n. 1 small house at the entrance to a park or grounds of a large house, occupied by a gatekeeper etc. 2 small house used in the sporting seasons (hunting lodge). 3 porter's room at the gate of a college, factory, etc. 4 members or meeting-place of a branch of a society such as the freemasons. 5 beaver's or otter's lair. v. (-ging) 1 a reside or live, esp. As a lodger. B provide with temporary accommodation. 2 submit or present (a complaint etc.) For attention. 3 become fixed or caught; stick. 4 deposit (money etc.) For security. 5 (foll. By in, with) place (power etc.) In a person. [french loge: related to *leaf]
n. A shelter in which one may rest; as: (a) A shed; a rude cabin; a hut; as, an Indian's lodge.