
adj. (longer; longest) 1 measuring much from end to end in space or time. 2 (following a measurement) in length or duration (2 metres long; two months long). 3 a consisting of many items (a long list). B seemingly more than the stated amount; tedious (ten long miles). 4 of elongated shape. 5 lasting or reaching far back or forward in time (long friendship). 6 far-reaching; acting at a distance; involving a great interval or difference. 7 (of a vowel or syllable) having the greater of the two recognized durations. 8 (of odds or a chance) reflecting a low level of probability. 9 (of stocks) bought in large quantities in advance, with the expectation of a rise in price. 10 (foll. By on) colloq. Well supplied with. n. Long interval or period (will not take long; won't be long). adv. (longer; longest) 1 by or for a long time (long before; long ago). 2 (following nouns of duration) throughout a specified time (all day long). 3 (in compar.) After an implied point of time (shall not wait any longer).  as (or so) long as provided that. Before long soon. In the long run (or term) eventually, ultimately. The long and the short of it 1 all that need be said. 2 the eventual outcome. Not by a long shot (or chalk) by no means.  longish adj. [old english]