
v. 1 become liquefied or change to liquid by the action of heat; dissolve. 2 (as molten adj.) (esp. Of metals etc.) Liquefied by heat (molten lava; molten lead). 3 (of food) be delicious, seeming to dissolve in the mouth. 4 soften, or (of a person, the heart, etc.) Be softened, by pity, love, etc. (a melting look). 5 (usu. Foll. By into) merge imperceptibly; change into (night melted into dawn). 6 (often foll. By away) (of a person) leave or disappear unobtrusively (melted into the background).  melt away disappear by or as if by liquefaction. Melt down 1 melt (esp. Metal) for reuse. 2 become liquid and lose structure. [old english]

n. See 2d Milt.