n. 1 representation in three dimensions of an existing person or thing or of a proposed structure, esp. On a smaller scale (often attrib.: model train). 2 simplified description of a system etc., to assist calculations and predictions. 3 figure in clay, wax, etc., to be reproduced in another material. 4 particular design or style, esp. Of a car. 5 a exemplary person or thing. B (attrib.) Ideal, exemplary. 6 person employed to pose for an artist or photographer or to wear clothes etc. For display. 7 garment etc. By a well-known designer, or a copy of this. v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 a fashion or shape (a figure) in clay, wax, etc. B (foll. By after, on, etc.) Form (a thing in imitation of). 2 a act or pose as a model. B (of a person acting as a model) display (a garment). [latin: related to *mode]
n. A miniature representation of a thing, with the several parts in due proportion; sometimes, a facsimile of the same size.