n. 1 a part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders. B part of a garment round the neck. 2 something resembling a neck; narrow part of a cavity, vessel, or object such as a bottle or violin. 3 length of a horse's head and neck as a measure of its lead in a race. 4 flesh of an animal's neck as food. 5 slang impudence. v. Colloq. Kiss and caress amorously. get it in the neck colloq. 1 be severely reprimanded or punished. 2 suffer a severe blow. Up to one's neck (often foll. By in) colloq. Very deeply involved; very busy. [old english]
n. The part of an animal which connects the head and the trunk, and which, in man and many other animals, is more slender than the trunk.