n. 1 a arithmetical value representing a particular quantity. B word, symbol, or figure representing this. C arithmetical value showing position in a series (registration number). 2 (often foll. By of) total count or aggregate (the number of accidents has decreased). 3 numerical reckoning (the laws of number). 4 a (in sing. Or pl.) Quantity, amount (a large number of people; only in small numbers). B (a number of) several (of). C (in pl.) Numerical preponderance (force of numbers). 5 person or thing having a place in a series, esp. A single issue of a magazine, an item in a programme, etc. 6 company, collection, group (among our number). 7 gram. A classification of words by their singular or plural forms. B such a form. v. 1 include (i number you among my friends). 2 assign a number or numbers to. 3 amount to (a specified number). 4 count. one's days are numbered one does not have long to live. Have a person's number colloq. Understand a person's real motives, character, etc. One's number is up colloq. One is doomed to die soon. Without number innumerable. [latin numerus]
n. That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures.