
n. 1 a collection of things wrapped up or tied together for carrying. B = *backpack. 2 set of packaged items. 3 usu. Derog. Lot or set (pack of lies; pack of thieves). 4 set of playing-cards. 5 group of hounds, wild animals, etc. 6 organized group of cub scouts or brownies. 7 rugby team's forwards. 8 = *face-pack. 9 = *pack ice. v. 1 (often foll. By up) a fill (a suitcase, bag, etc.) With clothes etc. B put (things) in a bag or suitcase, esp. For travelling. 2 (often foll. By in, into) crowd or cram (packed a lot into a few hours; packed in like sardines). 3 (esp. In passive; often foll. By with) fill (restaurant was packed; fans packed the stadium; packed with information). 4 cover (a thing) with packaging. 5 be suitable for packing. 6 colloq. A carry (a gun etc.). B be capable of delivering (a forceful punch). 7 (of animals or rugby forwards) form a pack.  pack in colloq. Stop, give up (packed in his job). Pack it in (or up) colloq. End or stop it. Pack off send (a person) away, esp. Summarily. Pack them in fill a theatre etc. With a capacity audience. Pack up colloq. 1 stop functioning; break down. 2 retire from an activity, contest, etc. Send packing colloq. Dismiss summarily. [low german or dutch]