n. 1 a organism usu. Containing chlorophyll enabling it to live wholly on inorganic substances, and lacking the power of voluntary movement. B small organism of this kind, as distinguished from a shrub or tree. 2 a machinery, fixtures, etc., used in industry. B factory. 3 colloq. Something deliberately placed so as to incriminate another. v. 1 place (seeds, plants, etc.) In soil for growing. 2 (often foll. By in, on, etc.) Put or fix in position. 3 (often refl.) Station (a person etc.), esp. As a spy. 4 cause (an idea etc.) To be established, esp. In another person's mind. 5 deliver (a blow, kiss, etc.) With a deliberate aim. 6 colloq. Place (something incriminating) for later discovery. plant out transfer from a pot or frame to the open ground; set out (seedlings) at intervals. plantlike adj. [latin planta]
n. A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule.