
v. (-king) 1 a thrust or push with the hand, a stick, etc. B (foll. By out, up, etc.) Be thrust forward, protrude. 2 (foll. By at etc.) Make thrusts. 3 thrust the end of a finger etc. Against. 4 (foll. By in) produce (a hole etc. In a thing) by poking. 5 stir (a fire) with a poker. 6 a (often foll. By about, around) potter. B (foll. By about, into) pry; search. 7 coarse slang have sexual intercourse with. n. 1 act of poking. 2 thrust, nudge.  poke fun at ridicule. Poke one's nose into colloq. Pry or intrude into. [german or dutch]