n. 1 plan; scheme. 2 extensive essay, piece of research, etc. By a student. v. 1 protrude; jut out. 2 throw; cast; impel. 3 extrapolate (results etc.) To a future time; forecast. 4 plan or contrive (a scheme etc.). 5 cause (light, shadow, images, etc.) To fall on a surface. 6 cause (a sound, esp. The voice) to be heard at a distance. 7 (often refl. Or absol.) Express or promote forcefully or effectively. 8 make a projection of (the earth, sky, etc.). 9 a (also absol.) Attribute (an emotion etc.) To an external object or person, esp. Unconsciously. B (refl.) Imagine (oneself) having another's feelings, being in the future, etc. [latin projicio -ject- throw forth]
n. The place from which a thing projects, or starts forth.