n. 1 a short quick blast of breath or wind. B sound of or like this. C small quantity of vapour, smoke, etc., emitted in one blast (puff of smoke). 2 light pastry cake containing jam, cream, etc. 3 gathered material in a dress etc. (puff sleeve). 4 extravagantly enthusiastic review, advertisement, etc., esp. In a newspaper. 5 = *powder-puff. v. 1 emit a puff of air or breath; blow with short blasts. 2 (usu. Foll. By away, out, etc.) Emit or move with puffs (puffing away at his cigar; train puffed out). 3 (usu. In passive; often foll. By out) colloq. Put out of breath (arrived puffed). 4 breathe hard; pant. 5 (usu. Foll. By up, out) inflate; swell (his eye was puffed up). 6 (usu. Foll. By out, up, away) blow or emit (dust, smoke, etc.) With a puff. 7 smoke (a pipe etc.) In puffs. 8 (usu. As puffed up adj.) Elate; make proud or boastful. 9 advertise or promote with exaggerated or false praise. puff up = sense 8 of v. [imitative]
n. A sudden and single emission of breath from the mouth; hence, any sudden or short blast of wind; a slight gust; a whiff.