v. (-rr-) (usu. Foll. By to) 1 make an appeal or have recourse to (some authority or source of information) (referred to his notes). 2 send on or direct (a person, or a question for decision). 3 (of a person speaking) make an allusion or direct the hearer's or reader's attention (did not refer to our problems). 4 (of a statement etc.) Be relevant; relate (these figures refer to last year). 5 send (a person) to a medical specialist etc. 6 (foll. By back to) a return (a document etc.) To its sender for clarification. B send (a proposal etc.) Back to (a lower body, court, etc.). 7 fail (a candidate in an examination). referable adj. [latin refero relat- carry back]
v. t. To carry or send back.