v. (-ving) 1 take off or away from the place occupied. 2 a convey to another place; change the situation of. B get rid of; dismiss. 3 cause to be no longer present or available; take away (privileges were removed). 4 (in passive; foll. By from) distant or remote in condition (country is not far removed from anarchy). 5 (as removed adj.) (esp. Of cousins) separated by a specified number of steps of descent (a first cousin twice removed = a grandchild of a first cousin). n. 1 degree of remoteness; distance. 2 stage in a gradation; degree (several removes from what i expected). 3 form or division in some schools. removable adj. [latin removeo -mot-]
v. t. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to change place; to displace; as, to remove a building.