adj. 1 a not required for normal or immediate use; extra. B for emergency or occasional use. 2 lean; thin. 3 frugal. n. Spare part. v. (-ring) 1 afford to give, do without; dispense with (spared me ten minutes). 2 a refrain from killing, hurting, etc. B abstain from inflicting (spare me this task). 3 be frugal or grudging of (no expense spared). go spare colloq. Become very angry or distraught. Not spare oneself exert one's utmost efforts. Spare a person's life not kill him or her. To spare left over; additional (an hour to spare). sparely adv. Spareness n. [old english]
a. To use frugally or stintingly, as that which is scarce or valuable; to retain or keep unused; to save.