n. 1 rectangle with four equal sides. 2 object of (approximately) this shape. 3 open (usu. Four-sided) area surrounded by buildings. 4 product of a number multiplied by itself (16 is the square of 4). 5 l- or t-shaped instrument for obtaining or testing right angles. 6 slang conventional or old-fashioned person. adj. 1 square-shaped. 2 having or in the form of a right angle (square corner). 3 angular, not round. 4 designating a unit of measure equal to the area of a square whose side is one of the unit specified (square metre). 5 (often foll. By with) level, parallel. 6 (usu. Foll. By to) at right angles. 7 sturdy, squat (a man of square frame). 8 arranged; settled (get things square). 9 (also all square) a with no money owed. B (of scores) equal. 10 fair and honest. 11 direct (met with a square refusal). 12 slang conventional or old-fashioned. adv. 1 squarely (hit me square on the jaw). 2 fairly, honestly. v. (-ring) 1 make square. 2 multiply (a number) by itself. 3 (usu. Foll. By to, with) adjust; make or be suitable or consistent; reconcile. 4 mark out in squares. 5 settle or pay (a bill etc.). 6 place (one's shoulders etc.) Squarely facing forwards. 7 colloq. Pay or bribe (a person). 8 (also absol.) Make the scores of (a match etc.) Equal. back to square one colloq. Back to the starting-point with no progress made. Out of square not at right angles. Square the circle 1 construct a square equal in area to a given circle. 2 do what is impossible. Square peg in a round hole see *peg. Square up settle an account etc. Square up to 1 move threateningly towards (a person). 2 face and tackle (a difficulty etc.) Resolutely. squarely adv. Squareness n. Squarish adj. [french esquare, latin quadra]
n. The corner, or angle, of a figure.