
n. 1 kind or sort, esp. In regard to appearance and form (elegant style of house). 2 manner of writing, speaking, or performing. 3 distinctive manner of a person, artistic school, or period. 4 correct way of designating a person or thing. 5 superior quality or manner (do it in style). 6 fashion in dress etc. 7 pointed tool for scratching or engraving. 8 bot. Narrow extension of the ovary supporting the stigma. v. (-ling) 1 design or make etc. In a particular (esp. Fashionable) style. 2 designate in a specified way. [latin stilus]

v. t. An instrument used by the ancients in writing on tablets covered with wax, having one of its ends sharp, and the other blunt, and somewhat expanded, for the purpose of making erasures by smoothing the wax.