
n. 1 unexpected or astonishing thing. 2 emotion caused by this. 3 catching or being caught unawares. 4 (attrib.) Unexpected; made or done etc. Without warning. v. (-sing) 1 affect with surprise; turn out contrary to the expectations of. 2 (usu. In passive; foll. By at) shock, scandalize. 3 capture or attack by surprise. 4 come upon (a person) unawares. 5 (foll. By into) startle (a person) into an action etc.  take by surprise affect with surprise, esp. By an unexpected encounter or statement.  surprising adj. Surprisingly adv. [french]

n. The act of coming upon, or taking, unawares; the act of seizing unexpectedly; surprisal; as, the fort was taken by surprise.