n. 1 a spun-out cotton, silk, or glass etc.; yarn. B length of this. 2 thin cord of twisted yarns used esp. In sewing and weaving. 3 continuous aspect of a thing (the thread of life; thread of his argument). 4 spiral ridge of a screw. v. 1 pass a thread through (a needle). 2 put (beads) on a thread. 3 insert (a strip of material, e.g. Film or magnetic tape) into equipment. 4 make (one's way) carefully through a crowded place, over a difficult route, etc. [old english: related to *throw]
n. A very small twist of flax, wool, cotton, silk, or other fibrous substance, drawn out to considerable length; a compound cord consisting of two or more single yarns doubled, or joined together, and twisted.