
n. 1 formal expression of choice or opinion by a ballot, show of hands, etc., in an election etc. 2 (usu. Prec. By the) right to vote, esp. In a state election. 3 opinion expressed by a vote (vote of no confidence). 4 votes given by or for a particular group (the welsh vote; the labour vote). v. (-ting) 1 (often foll. By for, against) give a vote. 2 a enact or resolve by a majority of votes. B grant (a sum of money) by vote. 3 colloq. Pronounce by general consent. 4 (often foll. By that) suggest, urge.  vote down defeat (a proposal etc.) In a vote. Vote in elect by voting. Vote off dismiss from (a committee etc.) By voting. Vote out dismiss from office etc. By voting. Vote with one's feet colloq. Indicate an opinion by one's presence or absence.

n. An ardent wish or desire; a vow; a prayer.