v. 1 a (often foll. By to + infin.) Desire; wish for possession of; need (wants a drink; wants it done immediately). B require to be attended to; need (garden wants weeding). C (foll. By to + infin.) Colloq. Ought; should (you want to be careful). 2 (usu. Foll. By for) lack; be deficient. 3 be without or fall short by. 4 (as wanted adj.) (of a suspected criminal etc.) Sought by the police. n. 1 (often foll. By of) lack, absence, or deficiency (could not go for want of time). 2 poverty; need. [old norse]
v. i. The state of not having; the condition of being without anything; absence or scarcity of what is needed or desired; deficiency; lack; as, a want of power or knowledge for any purpose; want of food and clothing.