
adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (works well). 2 with some distinction (plays the piano well). 3 in a kind way (treated me well). 4 thoroughly, carefully (polish it well). 5 with heartiness or approval (speak well of). 6 probably, reasonably (you may well be right). 7 to a considerable extent (is well over forty). adj. (better, best) 1 (usu. Predic.) In good health. 2 (predic.) A in a satisfactory state or position. B advisable (it would be well to enquire). int. Expressing surprise, resignation, etc., or used to introduce speech.  leave well alone avoid needless change or disturbance. Well and truly decisively, completely. Well away 1 having made considerable progress. 2 colloq. Fast asleep or drunk. Well done! Expressing praise for something done. Well worth certainly worth. [old english]