n. 1 each of the limbs or organs by which a bird etc. Is able to fly. 2 winglike structure supporting an aircraft. 3 part of a building etc. Extended in a certain direction. 4 a forward player at either end of a line in football, hockey, etc. B side part of a playing-area. 5 (in pl.) Sides of a theatre stage. 6 polarized section of a political party in terms of its views. 7 flank of a battle array. 8 the part of a vehicle over a wheel. 9 air-force unit of several squadrons or groups. v. 1 travel or traverse on wings. 2 wound in a wing or an arm. 3 equip with wings. 4 enable to fly; send in flight. on the wing flying, in flight. Take under one's wing treat as a protg. Take wing fly away. winged adj. Winglike adj. [old norse]
n. One of the two anterior limbs of a bird, pterodactyl, or bat. They correspond to the arms of man, and are usually modified for flight, but in the case of a few species of birds, as the ostrich, auk, etc., the wings are used only as an assistance in running or swimming.