n. 1 a the earth, or a planetary body like it. B its countries and people. 2 the universe, all that exists. 3 a the time, state, or scene of human existence. B (prec. By the, this) mortal life. 4 secular interests and affairs. 5 human affairs; active life. 6 average, respectable, or fashionable people or their customs or opinions. 7 all that concerns or all who belong to a specified class or sphere of activity (the world of sport). 8 (foll. By of) vast amount. 9 (attrib.) Affecting many nations, of all nations (world politics; world champion). bring (or come) into the world give birth (or be born). For all the world (foll. By like, as if) precisely. In the world of all; at all (what in the world is it?). Man (or woman) of the world person experienced and practical in human affairs. Out of this world colloq. Extremely good etc. Think the world of have a very high regard for. [old english]
n. The earth and the surrounding heavens; the creation; the system of created things; existent creation; the universe.