
n. 1 wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. And attached to the plough or wagon to be pulled. 2 (pl. Same or -s) pair (of oxen etc.). 3 object like a yoke in form or function, e.g. A wooden shoulder-piece for carrying a pair of pails, the top section of a garment from which the rest hangs. 4 sway, dominion, or servitude. 5 bond of union, esp. Of marriage. v. (-king) 1 put a yoke on. 2 couple or unite (a pair). 3 (foll. By to) link (one thing) to (another). 4 match or work together. [old english]

n. A bar or frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together.