
prep. 1 following in time; later than (after a week). 2 in view of, in spite of (after what you did what do you expect?; after all my efforts i still lost). 3 behind (shut the door after you). 4 in pursuit or quest of (run after them). 5 about, concerning (asked after her). 6 in allusion to (named after the prince). 7 in imitation of (a painting after rubens). 8 next in importance to (best one after mine). conj. Later than (left after they arrived). adv. 1 later (soon after). 2 behind (followed on after). adj. 1 later, following (in after years). 2 naut. Nearer the stern (after cabins).  after all in spite of everything (after all, what does it matter?). After one's own heart to one's taste. [old english]