
n. 1 small piece removed by chopping etc. 2 place or mark where a piece has been broken off. 3 a strip of potato, usu. Deep-fried. B us potato crisp. 4 counter used in some games to represent money. 5 = *microchip. v. (-pp-) 1 (often foll. By off, away) cut or break (a piece) from a hard material. 2 (often foll. By at, away at) cut pieces off (a hard material) to alter its shape etc. 3 be apt to break at the edge. 4 (usu. As chipped adj.) Make (potatoes) into chips.  chip in colloq. 1 interrupt. 2 contribute (money etc.). A chip off the old block child resembling its parent, esp. In character. A chip on one's shoulder colloq. Inclination to feel resentful or aggrieved. When the chips are down colloq. When it comes to the point. [old english]

v. t. To cut small pieces from; to diminish or reduce to shape, by cutting away a little at a time; to hew.