
n. 1 place where converging sides or edges meet. 2 projecting angle, esp. Where two streets meet. 3 internal space or recess formed by the meeting of two sides, esp. Of a room. 4 difficult position, esp. One with no escape. 5 secluded place. 6 region or quarter, esp. A remote one. 7 action or result of buying or controlling the whole stock of a commodity. 8 boxing & wrestling corner of the ring where a contestant rests between rounds. 9 football & hockey free kick or hit from the corner of a pitch. v. 1 force into a difficult or inescapable position. 2 establish a corner in (a commodity). 3 (esp. Of or in a vehicle) go round a corner. [latin: related to *corn2]

n. The point where two converging lines meet; an angle, either external or internal.